søndag 25. mai 2008

Sommer 1942

I'm sorry for not posting anything in a while, but I have been very active in being a graduation student and doing activities with my friends called Russ. This means doing a lot of things one normally wouldn't do to have fun before graduation. Because after graduation many would think that means growing up. I hope it doesn't, but I'm trying to prepare myself and get used to the fact to live in a city and study language and litterature. I don't know if it's the right thing for me, but I think it is worth a try.

In the last month or so I have been driven by a strong creativity. This has made my deviantArt profile updated more often. I have posted lots of things, if you would like to see them, you should go to http://chrismv.deviantart.com

This inspiration has suddenly thrown me into video-art, and like, recycling old videoclips which I have downloaded from youtube. My first product was a short film called Sommer 1942. It is inspired by Holocaust, Eva Braun, Anne Frank etc.

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